今日のビジネスは、人材、プロセス、テクノロジーが複雑に絡み合いながら運営されています。チームの連携がとれていないと、組織が直面するリスクはその分増大します。さらに悪いことに、縦割りでサイロ化されたプロセスがギャップや誤解を招くため、リスクが見落とされる可能性があります。リスク管理プログラムをサポートする単一の中央集約ポイントとしてArcher Enterprise & Operational Risk Management を導入すると、企業全体で一貫した方法でリスクを特定、評価、監視するための包括的なアプローチを実現することができます。Archerがオペレーショナル リスク管理プログラムの構築を可能にする仕組みをご確認ください。
AS EASY AS 1-2-3
Bring consistency to risk management
Standardize your organization’s risk management process and establish a common risk language, measurement approach, rating scales and reporting.
Improve decision-making
Help leaders at all levels make more informed decisions by providing a clear, consolidated and consistent view of risk.
Create a culture of accountability
Get the right information into the right hands to reduce risk and drive accountability for risks to individual business unit managers.
Risk catalog
Archer Risk Catalog allows you to record and track risks across your enterprise and establish accountability for them.
Enterprise risk management
Document your organization’s risks and controls with archer enterprise risk management.
Risk assessment management
Implement a consistent risk assessment program to more effectively identify operational risks within your business with Archer Risk Assessment Management.
Loss event management
Track and report on loss events, perform root cause analysis and establish accountability across your enterprise with archer loss event management.
Key indicator management
Manage the key indicator lifecycle to monitor and report on insights to business risks with archer key Indicator Management.
Operational risk management
Understand the business context of risk with an aggregated, enterprise-wide view of operational risks. Archer operational risk management helps you engage business managers in using consistent methodologies to identify and manage the risks and controls under their purview.