Archer Audit Management は、リスクベースの監査管理アプローチを提供し、監査プロセス全体を1つのシステムに統合することができます。監査チームがビジネスの最重要分野に重点を置いている場合は、監査チームと業務部門の連携方法を変革して、リスクにスコープを絞った監査の効果を最大限に高めることができます。Archerが内部監査管理プログラムの変革に役立つ仕組みをご確認ください。
AS EASY AS 1-2-3
Enhance control over audit lifecycles
Establish a single system for all your audit management needs, making it easier to manage the audit lifecycle.
Improve collaboration across functions
Leverage industry-proven best practices that enable your audit team to collaborate and share data with colleagues across business, risk and compliance functions.
Manage the business proactively
Gain visibility through aggregated data and analytics into key risks and under-performing controls with access to information, resources and results from risk and compliance teams.
Use cases
Issues management
Archer Issues Management lays the foundation for your integrated risk management program to manage issues generated by audit, risk, compliance and other teams.
Audit engagements and workpapers
Archer Audit Engagements & Workpapers transform the efficiency of your internal audit function, complete better-scoped audits more quickly, and decrease external audit fees
Audit planning and quality
Archer Audit Planning & Quality enables you to risk assess your audit entities, make audit plans for engagements, and puts you in control of the entire audit planning lifecycle.