The reality is that supply chain risk continues to become more and more complex, with organizations increasingly relying on third parties for critical products and services.
Any disruption from third parties can impact an organization’s supply chain significantly. Additionally, an organization’s exposure to risk increases due to cyber-attacks, economic conditions, geopolitical uncertainty, and natural disasters.
Thinking about your supply chain risk management strategy and how that strategy fits into your third-party risk management program is critical.
Having the right strategy to identify, assess and manage your organization’s supply chain risk as a component of your third-party risk management program will result in an effective holistic third-party risk management program.
To learn more, join us for our webinar “How to Effectively Manage Supply Chain Risk” featuring IDC Research Manager Amy Cravens and Archer’s Wes Loeffler to learn:
What gaps exist in typical supply chain risk management programs
How understanding the risk profile of your suppliers delivers a competitive advantage
How to build an effective strategy to manage evolving supply chain risk
April 18, 2023
11:00 am Eastern Time
Visit Archer Third Party Governance for more information. Contact us to speak to an Archer Expert.